(First time here? Read the Introduction for more info)
This should be the last week that my post is late - and since I'm about to head out of town for the day, I'm going to make it a quick and to-the-point post.
Opening Hymn: There's a Wideness in God's Mercy H-470
This is one of those hymns that I like more and more all the time. The Gospel passage this week is about justice and petition, so I went with a theme blend of justice/mercy/prayer.
"There's a wideness in God's mercy, like the wideness of the sea
There's a kindness in His justice, which is more than liberty"
Sequence Hymn: Hold Me in Life G-423
Hold Me in Life ties in both to the Psalm and the Gospel. The Psalm says "I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where is my help to come?" and the hymn says, "Hold me in life, for You are my safety. Always my eyes are looking for You." Then to tie in to the Gospel, it says, "Because You are just who You are, don't pass me by but show me Your mercy."
Communion Hymn: For the Bread Which You Have Broken H-341
This is a straight-forward communion hymn. There isn't really a tie-in to any of the scripture readings, it just fits the observation of communion.
Recessional: Send Down the Fire G-327
Send Down the Fire is a fun, upbeat song.
"Send down the fire of your justice
Send down the rains of your love
Come, send down the Spirit, breathe life in your people
And we shall be people of God."
The verses speak of mercy and truth, compassion and the Kingdom of God. Altogether a great pairing with the Gospel reading and a fun way to close the service.
I hope this adds to your worship experience on Sunday! (And I will be more in-depth next week!)
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